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CM3 Reading Room-MonicaVolpin_edited.jpg


This site serves as a quickly growing repository of articles, across a wide spectrum of subjects, including

some of the most important of our time.

The site is divided into two main sections:


Switching between them and returning

to the CONNECT M3 Desktop page,

is facilitated using the following 3 icons >




The LIBRARY lists articles which have been previously published as news articles by CONNECT M3 - gathered from a wide selection of media sources.  Those sources - include  both prominent and popular channels around the world and other highly informative platforms.


The media channels include:

  • Mainstream Media

  • People's Media

  • Independent Podcasters

as well as other less well known  contributors.


The BANK lists articles chosen to provide supplementary insight and expanded information - detailed and exploratory - on the main Subjects and Topics covered by CONNECT M3.


Like for the LIBRARY, the articles are gathered from a wide selection of worldwide sources.  In particular, the BANK articles also include: 

  • Critical Analysis

  • Scientific Papers

  • Investigative Reports

as well as a collection of general interest postings.

FINDING Articles

Although a search facility is provided, we don't always recommend its use.

Instead, we recommend using the INDICES - described below - to access further options or individual articles - by a click on the Purple icons.

Options and articles are arranged in alphabetical order within the following: 


Listing over 80 SUBJECTS - inc. Government, Hidden Truth, and WEF

featuring some of the most newsworthy articles

THB Icon-Library-SUBJECTS-Index.A1.300.dcw.3136.png


Listing over 380 TOPICS - inc. on Corruption, Cover-Up, and Crimes

subdividing the SUBJECTS the articles relate to

THB Icon-Library-TOPICS-Index.A1.300.dcw.3136.png


Listing over 120 SOURCES - inc. BBC, The Expose and Neil Oliver

of published information across the world media

THB Icon-Library-SOURCES-Index.A1.300.dcw.3136.png


Listing over 50 PERSONS - inc. Biden, Bridgen and Netanyahu

being at the centre of the news articles listed

THB Icon-Library-PERSONS-Index.A1.300.dcw.3136.png


Listing over 275 STRINGS - stringing articles between Subjects and Events.

This index lists article reference numbers only.

Each reference number represents a particular article from which a STRING of articles are connected according to a specific theme:

  • connecting articles within different SUBJECTS and TOPICS, but related to ONE Person or One Event - or

  • connecting articles within the same SUBJECT and TOPIC, but centred, again, on ONE Person or One Event 

The Index is mainly of use where the viewer knows the article reference number which leads a thread - or STRING - of directly related articles.

THB Icon-Library-STRINGS-Index.A1.300.dcw.3136.png

FILING Articles

The articles accumulated - and arranged in easily accessed listings - can also be found according to the particular Designation assigned to them when initially published by CONNECT M3.

For the LIBRARY, there are 5 Designations and they include: 

CM3 Icon Library-MENU-BackPage.A1.300.dcw.2433.png
CM3 Icon Library-MENU-DeepDive.A1.300.dcw.2433.png
CM3 Icon Library-MENU-OpinionPieces.A1.300.dcw.2433.png
CM3 Icon Library-MENU-SkyCam.A1.300.dcw.2433.png
CM3 Icon Library-MENU-BetterWorld.A1.300.dcw.2433.png

Not only are the LIBRARY articles posted to one of the above 5 Designations but also to lists within one of the 3 Types of articles shown below: 

THB Icon-Library-PODCAST-Articles.A1.300.dcw.3136.png
THB Icon-Library-NEWS-Articles.A1.300.dcw.3136.png
THB Icon-Library-MAGAZINE-Articles.A1.300.dcw.3136.png


By using any of the above:

  • 5 article Index icons

  • 5 article Designation icons

  • 3 article Type icons

the pages reached will provide additional options to flip quickly between both LIBRARY and BANK articles and options.  The following Grey icons facilitate this navigation between the two main Sections of The History Book

and they appear on numerous pages for this purpose.

CM3 Icon GREY-Library.A1.350.dcw.2365.png
CM3 Icon GREY-Bank.A1.350.dcw.2365.png
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CM3 Icon TRIANGLE.154.105.194.dcw_edited.png
CM3 Icon TRIANGLE.154.105.194.dcw.0102.png
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