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The shortcomings of national political systems around the world – as seen since the end of 2019 – have made it plain, that it’s time for a total reinvention. These old systems are seen to be wholly inadequate at every level, but also dangerous, ineffective, unrepresentative, expensive and above all corrupted. Is it now time for a complete change?
"The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government."
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The debate is about how society might organise itself to arrange and transact its own business of looking after itself. For somewhile we have all used the term “government” which more than hints at the idea that a group of people – those which some people choose by election to represent them - govern a community. If we were to think about this – and we will here in this debate – we will ask if we really want to be governed by anyone? We think many people do not.
We actually think, people would much prefer the idea of governing those that have been doing the governing - to date. What this means - in one simple sentence – is that the people would prefer to decide how they wish things to be and a group of appointed Administrators get on and make those wishes a reality. It’s a bit like appointing a garden contractor to look after your garden. They work to a plan – your plan – and do the job you want expertly and efficiently. They are monitored during the entire contract and any problems – if they arise – are dealt with as they are discovered. If things go materially wrong, then action – immediate and effective - is taken with the potential of a new contractor being appointed in their stead.
What will be debated, is how people might feel about the principle of them deciding how life will be - rather than a minute group of individuals who seem to get high on exercising their will over all the rest of us. This idea will be foreign thinking to most, but the principle - once it catches the imagination - begins to feel positively exciting.
Exciting as it may seem, to bring it about and into reality will require a good deal of positive thinking and no small measure of debate. And that debate is central to such a new system being formed in the first place and then working. We can see at this initial conceptual stage of thought, the benefits and workings of such a system are dependant on far more participation by the people in the affairs of our daily lives - from a societal standpoint. How that works, is part of the process of working through what might be possible and what is realistically achievable.
Historically, matters relative to education, national health services and so many other facets of national life – all referred to as the big stuff - has been for so long in the domain of paid servant parliamentary members and local councillors. In the changed and new system we will be debating, we will work through just how we the people – as a society – take responsibility for deciding these different affairs and instructing a different breed of Administrators to do the rest.
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