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What the world has been witnessing - particularly in recent years - is a reduction in our freedoms. Freedoms of expression in the form of protests, the written and spoken word and - on the horizon now - freedom of movement. At a personal level, the loss of freedom is detrimental to our health and wellbeing - and for our society, it's a closing down and a backward step.
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
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The last few years have been an extraordinary experience, living through a truly incredible C19 story and all that it has entailed. What’s emanated from this story alone is a window on the array of troubling tactics employed by governments around the world working in partnership. Partnerships, that include the media, reinforcing the very messages governments put out – restricting what we do – what we say – and to whom and how we say it.
We’ve seen posts on Facebook, Twitter [X], as well as other media channels, being deleted. People have been silenced, excluded and banned just for questioning what governments have said on the C19 story alone. These are clear warning signs of where we are currently heading.
We’ve seen marches made illegal and people being taken into custody for simply holding an innocent banner or speaking to interested listeners.
We are witnessing the introduction of travel restrictions in our cities to reduce unfavourable gases leaked into the air. This is at a time when the London underground is supposedly far more dangerous to commuters than the gases to everyone above ground. But this fact isn’t addressed.
And all the time, governments everywhere turn down challenges to debate the issues. This is the very thing Cults do. Cults do not allow debates – they issue instructions – and if their glass slipper doesn’t fit you, then you are labelled, cancelled and ridiculed. And we only wanted to debate?
This debate - the second in a series - will continue the exploration we began in the first debate, of the wider issues of how we can all live together, with a radically different way going forward. It’s where Our Freedoms are reaffirmed and written into a revised form of Constitution – a constitution drafted by the People and not by politicians.
The purpose of this debate is to gain and share as many different insights and viewpoints as possible. We can expect some perspectives to test our sense of what is possible in our world at the same time as embracing a renewed sense of personal responsibility for it. The process is exciting.
It includes sharing, agreeing and then putting into practice what we believe is an intelligent way forward. It’s about people like you and us - the people who care deeply about fairness, justice and freedoms for all. It’s all about our lives today and tomorrow - and the lives of our children!
Finally, one may think it's a strange thing to occur - the community coming together to debate something which is usually only in the domain of government. From many people's perspectives, we now need to invent new rules to live by - which potentially requires a more philosophical approach to solving the wide injustices. It’s actually seen as too large a task for just 650 representative SMPs in Westminster to deal with alone.
All debates adhere to The Debate Charter.
The Debate Charter is otherwise referred to as Charter House Rules.
It is a code which describes the guiding principles for our exchanges.
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