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We can thank the industrial revolution - and capitalism - for driving society to where it is today - albeit with its major imperfections. Have we now reached a point where capitalism has largely run its course - to be replaced by a refreshingly fair, just and intelligent system of progression, based on public ownership of our public infrastructure? Let's explore the idea!
"Unless you can prove that you rightfully acquired it, then it must belong to everyone."
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The subject of Our Ownership could hardly be more important to any of us at this time.
Firstly, this subject is about taking Ownership of Personal Responsibilities. That is urgently required given the state of the world as we see it today. Up until now, we’ve left it to the elected politicians – as well as some unelected – to shape the world we all live in. It was their job to do this – as willing, paid volunteers - whilst the rest of us got on with just living – living in peace with each other as we all expected to do after two world wars.
This hasn’t happened. These mis-leaders – as they’re coming to be called – have shown themselves to be inadequate to handle the task. Others have been found to have nefarious agendas and only now are those agendas becoming clear for us all to see. This is a time for people to see what’s wrong - take responsibility for what we all want - and then create it.
This debate - the second in a series - will begin to explore the wider issues of how we can all live together, with a radically different way going forward. It’s where Our Ownership of public assets are dealt with differently.
This is the second aspect of Our Ownership to be debated.
Public assets have been treated for decades as tradeable items which successive governments have seen fit to sell or manipulate. There was no discussion with the People about their intentions and even less about long-term effects and consequences on the People - who both use them and pay for them! Public utilities also fall into this category and institutions like the NHS, Education and even the Prison Service are three more.
There’s no better time than now for a debate to commence on these two main concepts. Furthermore, this debate needs to involve all the general public, the very people who are being potentially - and in some cases, definitely - harmed by the striving for profit, greed and the control which an increasing number now exercise over the rest of us.
The purpose of this debate is to gain and share as many different insights and viewpoints as possible. We can expect these perspectives to test our sense of what could be possible in a world with transformed views of one another and the major new goals we all agree. The process is exciting.
It includes sharing, agreeing and then putting into practice what we believe is an intelligent way forward. It’s about people like you and me - the people who care deeply about fairness, justice and well-being for all. It’s all about our lives today and tomorrow - and the lives of our children!
Finally, one may think it's a strange thing to occur - the community coming together to debate something which is usually only in the domain of government. From many people's perspectives, we now need to invent a new way of living - which potentially requires a more philosophical approach to solving the wide imbalances. It’s actually seen as too large a task for just 650 representative MPs in Westminster to deal with alone.
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